Mission Statement: 
The name of our sustainable brand is Wildlife Reach. We are a non-profit organization that is dedicated to protecting all types of wildlife. Deforestation has had an extremely negative effect on the existing wildlife. We recognize the bleak outcomes these animals face and strive to give them a fighting chance. We provide medical services and relocations to wildlife impacted by deforestation. We aim to reach nature and animal lovers, wildlife and environmental conservationists and anyone else wanting to make an impact. Our company strives to provide aid to animals that cannot help themselves. Empathy, diversity, courage, dedication, passion, and above all else, respect for nature is a requirement among the Wildlife Reach staff.
Logo Concept:
Due to my brand being an animal rescue and rehabilitation center that caters to wildlife, I wanted the logo to connect people with nature in a positive manner. I achieved this by choosing a vibrant but natural looking green color. For the logo itself, I also wanted to cater it to wildlife so I chose deer antlers that also displayed the letter “W”. In between the “W” deer antler I also put the letter “R” for the acronym “W.R.” Below the logo is the wordmark "Wildlife Reach".
Packaging Design

Plush Tag Mockups
This tag is meant for a collectible crochet rabbit plush. It is meant to portray an Eastern Cottontail rescued by the organization. It is a multi-panel tag so you can learn information about the rescued eastern cottontail. 
Box Packaging
This design is meant for a square box for the crochet plush rabbit to be shipped and packaged in.
Other Packaging Design

Plush Rabbit Advertisements
Magazine Advertisement 
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