Worshipped as gods and killed as incarnations of Satan, the feline companion we know today as the domestic house cat has felt both sides to the positive and negative stigma created throughout history. In Ancient Egypt, cats were considered sacred beings that were one with the gods. On the other hand, in Medieval Europe, cats were routinely executed for being associated with the devil. This eventually led to witchcraft being associated with cats, which brings us to the modern day portrayal of black cats and witches in our society and culture. My research delves into the pervasive stigma surrounding black cats, exploring its historical roots, modern day implications, and the impact it has on feline adoption rates today. Fueled by superstitions, folklore, and media portrayals, black cat stigma has led to disproportionate challenges for these feline companions in finding loving homes. By understanding and addressing this stigma as well as working to counter the negative effects, we can create a more inclusive and compassionate environment for black cats in adoption centers.
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